High School Student Behavior Contract: Guidelines and Templates

The Power of High School Student Behavior Contracts

As a former high school teacher, I have always been fascinated by the effectiveness of behavior contracts in shaping the behavior of students. Idea simple between student school lead positive behavior truly remarkable.

High School Student Behavior Contract

A high school student behavior contract is a formal agreement between a student and their school that outlines the expectations for behavior and the consequences for not meeting those expectations. Contracts used tool positive behavior negative behavior, bullying, class, academic dishonesty.

Benefits of High School Student Behavior Contracts

Research shown behavior contracts significant impact behavior. According study by Center Positive Behavior Interventions Supports, schools behavior contracts saw 20% reduction referrals 15% increase engagement students.

Case Study: The Success of Behavior Contracts at Lincoln High School

At Lincoln High School, behavior contracts have been an integral part of the school`s disciplinary strategy. In a recent survey, 90% of teachers reported that behavior contracts had a positive impact on student behavior, with 75% of students showing improved behavior within the first month of signing a contract.

Sample High School Student Behavior Contract

Below sample behavior contract used template high students:

Expectations Consequences
Attend all classes and arrive on time Detention for tardiness or unexcused absences
Show respect to teachers and peers Loss of privileges for disrespectful behavior
Submit all assignments on time Grade deduction for late assignments

Final Thoughts

High school student behavior contracts are a powerful tool for promoting positive behavior and creating a more respectful and engaged school environment. By setting clear expectations and consequences, schools can empower students to take ownership of their behavior and strive for excellence.

Top 10 Legal Questions About High School Student Behavior Contracts

Question Answer
1. What is a high school student behavior contract? A high school student behavior contract is an agreement between the student, their parents, and the school outlining the expected behavior and consequences for violating the terms.
2. Are high school behavior contracts legally binding? Yes, a high school behavior contract is a legally binding document that all parties are expected to adhere to.
3. Can a high school behavior contract be challenged in court? Challenging a high school behavior contract in court is possible, but it requires evidence of unfair terms or violation of rights.
4. What are the common terms included in a high school behavior contract? Common terms include attendance requirements, academic performance expectations, behavioral standards, and consequences for misconduct.
5. Can a student be expelled for violating a behavior contract? Yes, violating a behavior contract can result in expulsion, but the school must follow due process and provide the student with a chance to defend themselves.
6. Are limits included high behavior contract? While schools have discretion in setting terms, they cannot include discriminatory or overly harsh provisions in the contract.
7. Can negotiate terms high behavior contract? Parents can negotiate the terms of a behavior contract with the school, but ultimately, both parties must agree to the final terms.
8. What rights do students have under a behavior contract? Students have the right to be informed of the contract terms, the right to challenge unfair provisions, and the right to due process in case of violations.
9. Can a behavior contract affect a student`s future opportunities? Violating a behavior contract can have consequences on a student`s future opportunities, such as college admissions, scholarships, and employment.
10. How can a lawyer help in dealing with a high school behavior contract? A lawyer can provide legal advice, represent the student in negotiations or disputes, and ensure that the student`s rights are protected throughout the process.

High Student Behavior Contract

This contract is entered into on this [Date] by and between the high school administration and the student named [Student Name].

Section 1: Code Conduct

The student agrees to abide by the high school`s code of conduct, as outlined in the student handbook and in accordance with [State] education laws.

Section 2: Attendance

The student agrees to attend all classes regularly and punctually, as required by state law and school policy.

Section 3: Academic Integrity

The student agrees to uphold the principles of academic honesty and integrity, as outlined in the school`s academic integrity policy.

Section 4: Disciplinary Actions

The student acknowledges that any violation of this contract may result in disciplinary actions, as outlined in the student handbook and in accordance with state law.

Section 5: Termination Contract

This contract may be terminated by either party with written notice, or for cause as determined by the school administration.

In witness whereof, the parties have executed this contract as of the date first above written.